Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Safety Tips for Working Seniors

In honor of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we explore how seniors can stay safe in their working environment.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, older workers are likely to have less injuries at the workplace than their younger colleagues. However, the report further says that older workers require more time to heal, and incidents are more likely to be critical.

Therefore, seniors should be concerned about their safety at the workplace. It is equally true that workplace safety cannot exist on best practice guidelines and policies alone. You should adhere to the rules and promote safety among your co-workers. So, let's honor World Day for Safety and Health at Work with these basic yet essential workplace safety tips for seniors.

Look Around:

Working Seniors
Working Seniors

You should be aware of your surroundings to know the particular hazards of your job or workplace. Once you have assessed these risks, you are able to keep a distance from risky areas and dangerous situations. Besides, always be alert of machinery.

Keep Correct Posture to Protect Your Back:

Keep your sitting posture correct

Keeping a correct posture is essential to avoid back problems at this age. Try to sit and walk with correct posture. If you are working at a desk, make sure to keep you shoulders in line with your hips to avoid backache. If you are picking things up, do that in proper posture to avoid your back getting hurt. Don’t stop or twist. You can use ergonomic designed furniture and equipment to keep your posture right.

Take Regular Breaks:
take regular breaks during work

Being an aged person, you must take regular breaks. This is important because a day full of constant work can exhaust you, making you prone to injuries and illness. One way to stay alert is to do the most complicated tasks when your concentration is best.

Talk to Your Employer:

working senior woman

An employer plays an important role to make workplace a safer place with his or her adjustments and policies. Ask them to provide you the tasks that match your abilities. If you are not comfortable to work in certain environments, you can ask them to make special arrangements for you.

Use Tools and Machines Properly:

old man operating machine
Old Man Operating Machine

Follow the proper precautions while using the equipment. Don’t rely on shortcuts like using scaffolding as a ladder for specific jobs. Read the instructions or user manual before using a new tool. Have your superiors change the old tools you feel are no longer safer and effective. Always wear rubber gloves and shoes while working amidst wires and active electrical equipment. Use a helmet, gloves and proper gear when working with or around construction.

Know Where Your Emergency Exit Is:

know your emergency exit

In case of fire breakout, flood or earthquake, you are required to evacuate the facility safely & quickly. So, always know where the emergency exit is.

Go For Routine Checkup:
older man health checkup
Older Man Health Checkup
See your physician on a regular basis to know if your work is affecting your health!
WIth proper safety, seniors can take jobs to keep them active and healthy, while eliminating boredom and even giving them the opportunity to be a part of something great.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Why Senior Living in Missouri May be The Best Solution for Your Loved one?

Deciding it's time to move your loved one to a senior living community is not an easy choice. The good news is that there are numerous assisted living homes in Missouri for you to choose from. Your loved one will receive many benefits living in one of these facilities. Below are listed some of the advantages your loved one will receive.
If you are considering senior living communities for someone you love, it's important to become familiar with the different options available. There are nursing homes, at home attendants or senior living homes. But why does an assisted facility makes sense for you? How can it prove to be the best option for your seniors?

Explore Some of The Major Benefits of Assisted Living Facilities Below:

Healthy Meals:

healthy food
Healthy Food


As people age, it becomes increasingly more important for a healthy diet. Many times seniors will end up skipping meals due to not wanting to eat alone. In senior living facilities both of these problems are solved at the same time. While these facilities offer a warm environment to enjoy food, they also serve healthy food that has their residents health requirement in mind.

Easy Transportation: 

easy transportation for senior
Transportation for Seniors

These centers usually provide group transportation for several activities including shopping and community events. And if required, they can generally arrange transportation for seniors who need to visit their doctors for individual appointments. Though each center is different, most of them provide transportation services, giving the residents freedom to travel.

Better Safety: 

 safe environment in senior living
Safe Environment in Senior Living

Without a doubt, assisted living centers in Missouri are setup to provide a safe and comfortable environment for the elders. Most of them are monitored around the clock so that the residents aren't vulnerable to any burglaries or attacks. The fact that there are other people around simply makes communal living safer than being alone in a house. Modern assisted living centers also can have alerting systems, which are helpful during any emergencies in their own apartments or rooms.

No Maintenance Worries: 

no maintenance worries
No Maintenance Worries

Whether there are plumbing problems or some other kind of issues, seniors don’t need to worry for them. They don't have to worry about any repair responsibilities as the facility employees will get it done by themselves. All they need to do is alert the administration of a problem and it will be fixed.

Extra Socialization: 

older people socialization
Older People Socialization

Socialization it is the most important reason why people can thrive in assisted living. As we age our social skills can sometime decline and lead to anxiety when meeting new people. This makes senior living in Missouri a great options for any elders who don't have regular social exposure. Many facilities will have a very full and active social calendars for the residents.
If you or a loved one is thinking about moving to an assisted living facility, we hope the benefits we listed will ease your mind about the change.